I am an Artist of Purpose. I am an Artist Educator. I weave words, sounds, and movement through my body and consciousness to create new possibilities, to bring light to the world, and to be a living example of standing in truth. My True Inner Purpose is to serve humanity through the arts and education.

Authenticity is my foundation, my offering. It is what I seek to bring out in all those who I have the privilege of sharing time and space with, and through my work.

I create art through poetry, music, and dance. I use these artforms to teach and facilitate deep processes of self-actualization. I ask the students under my guidance to reveal themselves. I ask them to dig deep into their understanding of who they are, why they’re here, to explore their connection and contribution to the world, and to examine the current state of their well being.

In 2005, I embraced my career as a Professional Artist and Artist Educator. Since then I have had the pleasure of co-creating many inspiring and award-winning community arts organizations in Toronto. I have performed/taught on 5 continents, from main-stage audiences of thousands to intimate gatherings of just a few, from under-resourced community centres to prestigious universities and schools. I have sat on grant review committees, and provided keynote addresses at many conferences and events geared towards the arts, transformative education, and social justice.

No matter the setting or context, I have always offered my work as a means for raising consciousness and invoking the evolution of humanity towards positive change.

My latest project is no exception.

I have embarked on a mission to support Artists in serving humanity to their fullest potential and to the highest degree. I am meeting this purpose by offering two streams of Professional Development Training for Artists in the areas of:

Creative Entrepreneurship

Branding & Marketing in alignment with True Inner Purpose – a social justice based approach to business for artists.

Artist Educator Training

Skills in facilitation, curriculum design, lesson planning, grant writing, project management, and community/school/institutional partnership strategies for artist educators.

ANNOUNCEMENT: I am so pleased to offer Free and Open Access to my training programs in Creative Entrepreneurship this October, with No Cost of Enrollment for All Artists.

My work is about embodying your own authenticity. Stepping into the fullness of who you are, finding yourself, and owning your power. This work is not just my own, but in truth is created for all of us, to support us in our collective growth. I am open and ready to give and receive. I am here, I am here, I am here.


Email: therealsun@trueinnerpurpose.com
Facebook: facebook.com/therealsun
Instagram: @suntherealsun

www.TrueInnerPurpose.com to register for the Free Training Online. Email for free access to in-person workshops.