Creative Space Rentals Workshop Series

This day of learning combines two workshops key for any creative organization offering space rentals

Date: February 8, 2018

Time: 9am – 4pm

Place: Toronto Centre for the Arts

Cost: $20 for one or $30 for both
No one will be turned away for lack of funds – please contact for more information.

9am – 12pm

Space rentals are a significant revenue source that contributes to the sustainability of many creative organizations and small businesses. Using examples from the sector, this half-day workshop will cover how to define, target and engage with current and new renter audiences.

This workshop is for any arts professional looking for ways to expand their current renter audience or just starting a space rental program. This workshop also serves as a useful tool for any arts professional looking to diversify their skill set around space rentals and revenue development.

This is the first workshop of a two-part series of workshops on the topic of space rentals hosted by ArtsBuild Ontario in partnership with WorkInCulture.

1pm – 4pm

What does it mean to manage risk in your rental space? What is your organization’s attitude towards potential hazards? In this half-day workshop, we will cover what creative venues and small businesses need to know about operational, financial and legal risk when it comes to renting out space.

This workshop is open to all creative venues and small businesses currently offering space rentals. This workshop also serves as a useful tool for smaller/newer rental spaces expecting to grow as well as arts professionals looking to better understand risk in space rentals.

This is the second workshop of a two-part series of workshops on the topic of space rentals hosted by ArtsBuild Ontario in partnership with WorkInCulture.

The Learning Series is presented by ArtsBuild Ontario as a collection of learning opportunities for arts facilities around our core programs: SpaceFinder CanadaArts Facilities Mentoring NetworkEnergy Conservation and Asset Planner for the Arts. The Learning Series is generously supported in part by the Ontario Trillium FoundationOntario Arts Council and the Government of Canada.

The Learning Series is generously support in part by the Government of Canada, the Ontario Trillium Foundation and Ontario Arts Council.