What’s Your Story?

What’s Your Story?

What’s Your Story? North York and Scarborough

Join in a celebration of reading and writing in North York and Scarborough hosted by award-winning author Catherine Hernandez.

Presented by the Ontario Book Publishers Organization, the Toronto Arts CouncilNorth York ArtsScarborough Arts and the Toronto Public Library.

Date: June 9, 2018


Time: 1-4pm

Place: Victoria Village Library

Address: 184 Sloane Avenue, Toronto, ON

What's Your Story? 2018 Schedule

1:00 – 1:15 pm – A special presentation by Veronica Johnny.

1:15 – 2:15 pm – Author Readings

The What’s Your Story, North York writing competition winners read their North York inspired works.
– Author Lucy Black
– Author Sylvia Warsh

Introducing emerging North York writers:
– Laura Mullin
– Asheda Dwyer

The What’s Your Story, Scarborough writing competition winners read their Scarborough inspired works.
– Author and creative writing instructor Alexandra Leggat

Introducing emerging Scarborough writers:
– Natasha Ramoutar
– Petrose Tesfai
– Nicole Bayes-Fleming

2:15 – 2:30 pm – Refreshments

2:30 – 4:00 pm – Engaging Workshops for Writers

2:30 – Decolonizing Writing Practice with award-winning author Catherine Hernandez
This workshop will give participants tools to liberate themselves from the confines of “conventional” storytelling and find truth in their own literary voice. Participants can expect quick exercises to awaken and empower the writer within.

3:00 – Publisher Speed Dating
Writers, this is your opportunity to chat one-on-one with publishers: Quattro Books, Guernica Editions, Dundurn Press, Cormorant Books, ECW Press and Inanna Publications and get the inside track on what publishers are on the lookout for.

Words Rhymes and Life will be onsite and happy to chat about Saving the Novel.

These authors’ works have been published in an anthology that will be available for free to all attending.

What's Your Story? Winners

2018 Established Writer Winners:
Lucy E.M. Black
Sylvia Maultash Warsh

2018 Emerging Writer Winners:
Asheda Dwyer
Laura Mullin

Read More

2017 Established Writers Winner:
Elyse Friedman

2017 Emerging Writer Winners:
Jennilee Austria
Robyn Hamilton
David Stokes

Read More

2016 Established Writers Winners:
Domenico Capilongo
Richard Rosenbaum
Kenneth Sherman

2016 Emerging Writer Winner:
Sara Y. Cunningham

Read More

Borders & Barriers: Creating Cultural Networks for Newcomers

Borders & Barriers: Creating Cultural Networks for Newcomers

Borders & Barriers: Creating Cultural Networks for Newcomers

Wed, 7 June 2017
9:30 AM – 11:00 AM EDT

Myseum of Toronto welcomes you to join us in conversation with Marta Keller-Hernandez, Co-Founder and Director of Programming at Paralia Newcomer Arts Network and Rupal Shah, Strategic Programs Officer of the Toronto Arts Council as we highlight avenues for support, and examine the challenges that newcomer artists, art administrators and cultural workers encounter when navigating an unfamiliar arts and cultural sector.

Representatives from Airsa Art & Thought Association, JAYU,LACAP, North York Arts, Sick Muse Art Projects, Toronto Arts Foundation and the Toronto Ward Museum will also be joining us as community connectors while we spend the morning networking, sharing resources, and discussing the importance of making space for newcomers in the city’s arts and cultural sector.

9 am: Doors open

9:30 am: Event starts

My City My Six

My City My Six

My City My Six

Tell your story in six words

My City My Six is a participatory public art project that will reveal Toronto and its residents in celebration of Canada 150, six words at a time. From January through May 2017, the My City My Six project will ask Torontonians of all ages and backgrounds to share something essential about themselves in six words.

Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a six word story. He responded with, “For Sale: baby shoes, never worn”, and the six word story was born.

Based on the six word story concept popularized by Smith Magazine, this project invites Torontonians to write and contribute six words that best tells their story. My City My Six will culminate in a city-wide exhibition in the public realm in the fall of 2017, showing the diverse lives that collectively make up this great city at this moment in time.

This project is led by Toronto Arts and Culture in collaboration with the city’s six Local Arts Service Organizations. Stories will be collected through emails, workshops, and events. A jury, including Toronto’s Poet Laureate Anne Michaels, will select stories to appear in the exhibition, which will include transit shelters, transit interiors, billboards, and other public spaces. Local galleries, businesses and public spaces will also be animated as part of the exhibition in September and October 2017.

See sample six word stories below: (Courtesy of 6 Words Minneapolis)


To Participate:

Please email culturalhotspot@toronto.ca and include:

  • your six word story
  • your first name
  • the name of your neighbourhood
  • your age

If you have questions about the My City My Six project, please contact Andrea Raymond-Wong, Community Cultural Coordinator at Andrea.Raymond-Wong@toronto.ca or 416-338-2469.


Dusty Roads
Low Salaries
Wonderful People
– Edith, 88 Downtown

– Alf, 17, North Mpls.


At Ninety-Nine, I’m still a Musician
– Gabrielle, 99 SW Seniors Ctr.

I was afraid, now I’m fierce
– Maggie, 38, N.E.

Go to the Park and Play
– Zara, 4 Fulton

All My Life, I’ve held on
– Anonymous, 18, Kingfield

My Art, My New Land

My Art, My New Land

My Art, My New Land

Cost: Free
When:  Wednesdays from August 3 – 24, 2016
Time: 10:30am – 1:30 pm
Where: North York Arts, 5040 Yonge St (Toronto Centre for the Arts)

This free improv workshop series has been created to help newcomer artists face and overcome challenges in a new culture by providing an opportunity to develop communication skills in authentic and dynamic situations.

My Art, My New Land is a spark project for this year’s Cultural Hotspot in partnership with Airsa Art and Thought Association, City of Toronto, Neighbourhood Arts Network and North York Arts.

ARTISTS EXCHANGE with PROLOGUE for the Performing Arts

ARTISTS EXCHANGE with PROLOGUE for the Performing Arts

ARTISTS EXCHANGE with PROLOGUE for the Performing Arts

Cost: FREE
Date: February 24th, 2016
Place: Toronto Centre for the Arts.

It will feature Kevin Ormsby (Founder/Artistic Director of KasheDance) and Fana Soro (Musician/Dancer/Educator), and will focus on artists touring schools, navigating the Ontario school system and highlight challenges faced by new Canadians in this realm.

RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/feb-24th-prologue-artists-exchange-tickets-21065928760

Emergence Symposium

Emergence Symposium

Emergence Symposium

2015 Emergence Symposium | Arts & Equity: Leading Social Change will convene 200 artists, cultural workers, community leaders, academics, youth and policy makers to answer some of these important questions surrounding equity, diversity and inclusiveness.

This three day conference experience will create a space for critical dialogue, leadership development, creative self-reflection, mentorship and cross sector collaborations.

Hosted by Neighbourhood Arts Network & SKETCH
In partnership with AVNU, Arts Starts and North York Arts

November 12 – 14, 2015
Locations: Evergreen Brickworks & Toronto Centre for Arts

The Emergence symposium invites you to join us in creating an inspirational gathering to celebrate, nurture unique leadership development opportunities using community engaged arts as the spring board to explore these important work and issues together.

  • What does inclusivity, positive social change and equity really look like in our communities, creative practices and organizational work today?
  • How are artists and cultural leaders setting examples for true community innovation?
  • How can we support each other in our development as leaders, artists, community builder, policy makers and healers?

Equity is a broad topic that can encompass many themes of practice. Your efforts to address societal issues, make positive change and create inclusive space in your work, are vital to the long-term health of all the communities we live, work and create in!

Community Focus Group

Community Focus Group

Thank you to everyone who participated in Count me In. Stay tuned for more North York community focus groups with NYA.

We are always interested in your feedback. Feel free to contact us anytime at info@northyorkarts.org

Count Me In! Group 1 – CANCELLED

Please join us on Janaury 29th for Group 2

North York residents, artists, arts and community groups tell us how arts and cultural activities are shaping your neighbourhood. Your opinions count and will contribute to a city-wide survey about arts impact.

Date: Thursday, January 292015
Location: York Woods Library, 1785 Finch Ave. W. Near intersection of Jane and Finch
Time: 4:00-6:00pm
Event is FREE. Register at info@northyorkarts.org by January 26. Please put Focus Group #2 in the subject line.

SYNERGIES: Professional Development and Networking

SYNERGIES: Professional Development and Networking


Thank you to all who participated in SYNERGIES, and especially to our partners at Karma Creative!

Stay tuned for more professional development events in 2015.


Karma Creative and North York Arts Presents: SYNERGIES

at The Toronto Centre for the Arts

SYNERGIES is a professional development and networking event for visual artists. This is a full day event dedicated to creating connections that increase an artists impact.

November 15, 2014 10am-4pm

Grant writing information and tips from the Toronto  Arts Council’s Peter Kingstone

FREE professional portfolio review by curator and artist Flavio Belli.

Special topics will include :
Emerging as a Newcomer Artist – Dania AlObaidi, Tania Iraheta, Mazarine Memon, Melissa Tseng

The Post Career Artists – Mary Ambrose
The Meandering Path of the Artist – Bruria Cooperman
An Adult Educator’s View – Karen Chisvin, Maggie Doswell, Emilia Filicetti

Creative Community Jam

Creative Community Jam


Community Creative Jam

Join us at Community Creative Jam, an arts event that features local artists and an open mic for everybody — all creative disciplines, levels and
ages! Drop by for performances, arts activities, hanging out with artists, and positive vibes.

Special guests to be announced shortly.

Friday August 14
7:00 -9:00 pm
Whole Foods – Yonge and Sheppard
4771 Yonge Street
For more information visit: http://www.ccjam.ca/