Newcomer Youth Recreation Forum

Newcomer Youth Recreation Forum

Newcomer Youth Recreation Forum

How can we work together to improve access to recreation for Toronto’s 65,000 newcomer youth?

Opportunities like afterschool programs, arts and music, and sports are essential for ensuring newcomer youth settle successfully in Canada.

Join us for an afternoon of interactive recreation activities, keynote speakers, and opportunities to learn from and work with others to address this important issue.

Date: June 12, 2017
Time: 12 – 4:30 pm
Place: Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen St W

Learn More and Register

Borders & Barriers: Creating Cultural Networks for Newcomers

Borders & Barriers: Creating Cultural Networks for Newcomers

Borders & Barriers: Creating Cultural Networks for Newcomers

Wed, 7 June 2017
9:30 AM – 11:00 AM EDT

Myseum of Toronto welcomes you to join us in conversation with Marta Keller-Hernandez, Co-Founder and Director of Programming at Paralia Newcomer Arts Network and Rupal Shah, Strategic Programs Officer of the Toronto Arts Council as we highlight avenues for support, and examine the challenges that newcomer artists, art administrators and cultural workers encounter when navigating an unfamiliar arts and cultural sector.

Representatives from Airsa Art & Thought Association, JAYU,LACAP, North York Arts, Sick Muse Art Projects, Toronto Arts Foundation and the Toronto Ward Museum will also be joining us as community connectors while we spend the morning networking, sharing resources, and discussing the importance of making space for newcomers in the city’s arts and cultural sector.

9 am: Doors open

9:30 am: Event starts

Hot Docs

Hot Docs

Hot Docs is Coming to North York!

Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival is North America’s largest documentary festival, conference and market. Each year, the Festival presents a selection of approximately 200 cutting-edge documentaries from Canada and around the globe.

We are proud to partner with Hot Docs to present four films at the Toronto Centre for the Arts:

Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower – 1:00 PM (78 min)
Becoming Who I Was – 3:30 PM (96 min)
A Cambodian Spring – 6:15 PM (121 min)
Whitney “Can I Be Me” – 9:15 PM (100 min)

Learn More about Hot Docs

4 Directions Festival

4 Directions Festival

EAST EVENT: DENTONIA PARK, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2017 10:00 am – 2:30 pm

10:00 – 10:15 am Opening Drumming Ceremony

10:15 — 10:30 am Speaker: Michael Cheena, Residential School Survivor

10:30 – 11:45 am Fiya Bruxa Arts Education Workshop

11:45 – 12:25 pm Lunch

12:25 — 12:45 pm Chimera Project perform “Bears, Stars and Trees”

  12:45 — 12:50 pm Speakers: Kevin Harp & Chester Abbotsbury, Inter-Generational Survivors

12:50 — 1:05 pm 6 Bronx Zoo & Wasun

 1:05 — 1:15 pm First Fire Dance Crew

 1:15 –1:30 pm Bucc n’ Flvr

 1:30 –1:45 pm Ruben “Benny” Esguerra

 1:45 –2:00 pm MataDanze Perform “La Raza Cosmica”

 2:00 –2:15 pm Harmony Hall Seniors Dance Group

 2:15 –2:25 pm Lone Child

 2:25 –2:45 pm Love Seyon & Shams

SOUTH EVENT: TBA, SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 2017, TBA 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

12 noon – 12:15 pm Opening Drumming Ceremony

12:15 – 12:30 pm Speaker: Michael Cheena, Residential School Survivor

12:30 –1:30 pm Lunch

1:30 – 3:00 pm Jojo Geronimo , Globalization, Global Migration, and Indigenous Rights Popular Education Workshop

3:00 — 3:30 pm Performances & Speakers: Kevin Harp, Chester Abbotsbury, Pantayo, Whitney French, The Wind in the Leaves Collective


WEST EVENT: BROADACRES PARK, MONDAY, JUNE 19, 2017, 10:00 am – 2:30 pm

10:00 — 10:15 am Opening Drumming Ceremony

10:15 — 10:30 am Speaker: Michael Cheena, Residential School Survivor

10:30 – 11:45 am Fiya Bruxa Arts Education Workshop

12:00 — 12:30 pm Lunch

12:30 — 2:30 pm Storytelling Workshop Residential School Survivors, Inter-Generational Survivors, and the Journey of Healing and Hope with Lee Maracle, Michael Cheena, Kevin Harp & Charles Abbotsbury


NORTH EVENT: TORONTO CENTRE FOR THE ARTS, WED, JUNE 21, 2017, 5:30 pm – 10:30 pm

5:30 – 6:30 pm Pre-Reception

6:30 – 7:00 pm Opening Drumming Ceremony & Performance, Veronica Johnny

7:15 – 7:30 pm Speaker: Michael Cheena, Residential School Survivor

7:00 – 9:45 pm ImagiNative Presents: You Can’t Make the Same Mistake Twice

9:45 – 10:15 pm Questions and Comments


Four Directions Reconciliation and the Arts Festival:

Honoring Residential School Survivors and Moving Forward on Righting Relations

The Four Directions Reconciliation and the Arts Festival in Toronto, June 16-21st, 2017, is about raising awareness on reconciliation and indigenous issues. We hope to educate the general public about the residential school experience, the 94 Calls to Action on Reconciliation, and the colonialist policies and attitudes of the Canadian government and society.

It is one of the darkest chapters in the history of the nation state that celebrates its 150th anniversary this year. That’s a chilling number, when you consider that Residential Schools scooped 150.000 children away from their families to experience neglect, disease, oppression, and abuse. Canada is celebrating 150 years of Confederation in 2017, but for the First Nations people it is more like a celebration of colonialism and we don’t want to celebrate that. Instead we want to honour the Indian residential school survivor legacy and the restoration of our identity as indigenous people.

I am Michael Cheena, a residential school survivor.  My connection to the Indian residential school survivor movement began in 1994. I filed a lawsuit against the federal government for residential school abuses: the loss of language, the loss of culture, and the loss of identity. We were indoctrinated to be Christians in the residential school system. We weren’t allowed to practice our indigenous culture and languages. The goal of this legislative government policy was assimilation – an attempt to kill the Indian in the child.

We are Kevin Harp and Chester Abbotsbury, federal Native prisoners and inter-generational survivors who recently came to Toronto after serving 8 years at Collins Bay Penitentiary in Kingston, Ontario. We will be speaking at the festival to give people a better understanding of why indigenous people are so overpopulated in the federal prisons. Today, Canadian prisons are the new residential schools.

Restorative Relations Working Group Co-Chair, Reverend Brian McIntosh, sees Four Directions as an historic opportunity to recognize and celebrate the cultural and artistic contributions of the people of all nations who reside together in this land, and the reconciliation and right relations that we are all called to undertake and build: “Guided by the promise of the circle and four directions teachings of Indigenous peoples, this Festival celebrates our collective diversity and urges all participants to honour the presence and gifts of all who live in this region, particularly its first inhabitants, as we strive for harmony and healing.”

by Micheal Cheena, Chester Abbotsbury, Kevin Harp, and Chris Harris, PhD

Finding Home

Finding Home

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Finding Home

Curated by: Maha Munaf
Place: Toronto Centre for the Arts

A visual story of loss, love, and finding home, this project marries the six-word memoir concept (popularized by Smith Magazine) and photography. The interactive photo exhibition will take you to the streets of old Damascus, exploring themes of identity, culture, and tradition: the different influences that shape the concept of home when considering immigration.

Learn More

My City My Six Youth Workshop

My City My Six Youth Workshop

My City My Six: Youth Art and Spoken Word Program

Join us to celebrate the closing of our 8 week multi-media arts and spoken word program!

Drum Circle led by Adele Passmore
Pop up exhibition by Dreamation
Spoken Word performances by Sociphoria
My City My Six activities

Time: 4:30 – 6:30om
Place: Downsview Hub, 70 Canuck Ave, North York

Contact Melissa Foster at or 416.733.9388 x 7065

No Strings Theatre

No Strings Theatre

Cost: Free
Time: 2-5pm
Place: Toronto Centre for the Arts

Get a taste of No Strings Theatre Summer Intensive program with this FREE musical theatre workshop.This spring sampler session offer a no-stress, fun and dynamic outlet for young artists wanting to experience a typical day in the vibrant world of music theatre.  Led by top music theatre industry professionals, students will be led through acting, singing and dance classes in an environment that is supportive, silly and sensational.

find out more about the Summer Intensive program here.

Newcomer and Refugee Artist Mentorship Grant Program Info Session

Newcomer and Refugee Artist Mentorship Grant Program Info Session

Newcomer and Refugee Artist Mentorship Grant Program Info Session



Date: Wednesday, February 15th, 2017
Time: 1 – 3 pm
Location: Toronto Centre for the Arts
Cost: Free

The Newcomer and Refugee Artist Mentorship program provides funding for newcomer and refugee professional artists to be mentored in their chosen artistic discipline. The program is open only to professional artists who arrived in Canada after January 1, 2010 and who live in the City of Toronto.

Join Rupal Shah from Toronto Arts Council and Inés Aguileta from Neighbourhood Arts Network to learn more about the Newcomer and Refugee Artist Mentorship program. We will be talking about who is eligible to apply, how to find a mentor and how to get started on your application.

Please e-mail to reserve your spot in the session. Include your full name as well as any translation services or accessibility services you require.

Airsa Art: Nowruzgan

Airsa Art: Nowruzgan

Nowruzgan: Multicultural Art Exhibition


Date: March 17 – 26, 2017
Opening Reception: March 18,2017 – 6-8pm
Place: Toronto Centre for the Arts

Nowruz (also called Noruz, Nowrooz, and Navruz), the “New Year” holiday, has been celebrated for at least 2,500 years, and perhaps for as long as 5,000 years. Originating in Persia, its name means “new day” in Farsi/Persian because it marks the first day of the New Year. The exact beginning of the New Year occurs when the season changes from winter to spring on the vernal equinox, which usually happens on 20 or 21 March each year.

International Nowruz Day was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution A/RES/64/253 of 2010, at the initiative of several countries that share this holiday (Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey and Turkmenistan). Also in Ontario, March 21 is proclaimed as Nowruz Day as an Act in 2006.

Nowruzgan, Multicultural Art Exhibition @Toronto Centre for the Arts

Nowruzgan is a multicultural art exhibition to celebrate Nowruz and the first day of spring. The event aims to share the holiday with the community and give a voice to multiple artists and their personal interpretations.